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Atención temprana en la parálisis cerebral

La atención temprana, es el nombre que se le ha dado desde hace tiempo a toda una serie de actuaciones encaminadas a dotar al niño de las herramientas y estímulos que des...

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Stroke treatment with gradual fibrotomy

Stroke, thrombosis or embolism are some of the diseases that affect to the brain more frequently. Basically, it’s a problem from the blood vessels that transport blood to the brain. It is called cerebral hemorrhage if it is a stroke in a vessel of the brain, or ischemic type or cerebral infarction if it is an artery that is blocked by the presence of a clot. &...

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Gradual Fibrotomy- Cerebral Palsy Treatment

Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects to different function of the brain. When the affection is motor and involves spasticity, it is very possible that muscle contraction appear. This hamper the correct development of the patient and their motor function will be compromised.Gradual fibrotomy is a surgical technique designed to treat the sequelae of cerebral palsy and similar con...

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Fibrotomía gradual-Tratamiento de la parálisis cerebral

La parálisis cerebral es un grupo de trastornos que afectan diferentes funciones del cerebro. Cuando la afectación es motora y conlleva espasticidad, es muy posible que aparezcan contracturas musculares que impiden el correcto desarrollo del paciente y su función motora se verá comprometida. La fibrotomía gradual es una técnica quirúrgica...

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