Gradual Fibrotomy- Cerebral Palsy Treatment

Editado el 06 de Septiembre del 2021 a las 19:06:08 por Rafael Corro

Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects to different function of the brain. When the affection is motor and involves spasticity, it is very possible that muscle contraction appear. This hamper the correct development of the patient and their motor function will be compromised.

Gradual fibrotomy is a surgical technique designed to treat the sequelae of cerebral palsy and similar conditions. It is a treatment which the principal objective is to improve the patient’s quality of life, improving their motor function as well as reduce or eliminate the myofascial pain.

In the different types of treatments of cerebral palsy the focus should be on improve the quality of life of the patient and faced from a multidisciplinary perspective, the improvements will be more noticeable.

Gradual fibrotomy allows the advancement of physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy in the cerebral palsy patient, giving an extra by increasing the passive and active joint range without losing strength.

It is possible to treat in one session a high number of muscle areas with a very low risk of trauma, allowing the affected of any of the types of cerebral palsy (hemiplegia, diplegia, tetraplegia, hemiparesis, diparesis, tetra paresis…) a significant improvement in the rehabilitation of the patient.

The gradual fibrotomy in the treatment of cerebral palsy should be recommended by the surgeon it and should be assisted by general anesthesia in a operating theatre with all the guarantees. The post-op is light and it is managed with a simple ibuprofen or similar, it does not need posterior cures after the day of discharge. The patient has a reincorporation to normal life earlier than with other surgical techniques with the same objectives.     

Although the gradual fibrotomy in the treatment of cerebral palsy (in any of its form) is a surgical technique that has more than two decades of development, there are few surgeons in the world who practice it successfully, given the high level of specialization and the difficulties for its expansion.

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